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Heinrich-Emanuel-Merck-Schule Darmstadt

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Leaving home, coming home: A project to make students aware of migration in our countries

With our project on migration in Europe, we intend to initiate and develop an increased sense of initiative by a greater understanding of responsibility towards social, linguistic and cultural diversity. It is our aim to help students and staff to understand the urgent need to react to the pressing problem of refugee seeking as well as the more general problem (but also chance) of migratory movement in Europe.

This major goal will be reflected by our common final product, a short film mosaic, which pursues another main aim itself: Supporting digital ways of learning to reach audiences of disadvantaged backgrounds and exploring the potential of learning analytics to increase the quality of learning. 

It is our target to make our students aware of the urgent need to react not only on the refugees themselves, but also to explicit migration problems existing all over Europe. Because we involve migrants, e.g. Rom students in Romania, we will "prevent  early school leaving, preparing educational staff and youth workers for equity, diversity and inclusion challenges; monitoring the various kinds of disparities, combatting segregation and discrimination of marginalised communities, such as migrants and Roma; facilitating transitions from education to the world of work for disadvantaged learners". 

On the one hand, this will require an increased competence in foreign languages (English, but also French and Turkish), but also an increased level of digital competences (using E-Twinning, especially the twinspace). Getting to know methods of more active participation in society, our students as well as we teachers will develop a more positive attitude towards the European project and European values. Our horizontal priority deals with developing basic and transversal skills on the topic of European migration. In this area, we will promote problem-based learning by dealing with real topics/people/histories. Every participating young student is supposed to understand the importance and the urgency of realizing the humanitarian aim of integrating strangers with migration backgrounds. We need each other to get in touch with specific problems in our participating countries, this is the basic for understanding migration as a European task. 

To be more concrete: By using English, we are supporting innovative activities that foster the assessment of transversal skills and that promote the use of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). Furthermore, our high quality learning opportunities will be guaranteed with our focus in E-Twinning possibilities, as we will encourage  "digital integration in learning, teaching, training (...) at various levels: promoting access to and learning through Open Educational Resources (OER) supporting Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) based teaching, as well as ICT based assessment practices." We will work directly with young people who have a migration background, asking them to integrate the use of ICT for learning and related digital competences.